Growing up Free (GUF)

The Growing Up Free (GUF) Project was a 4-year intervention undertaken under the Ghana Government and the USA Government Child Protection Compact, to strengthen national efforts at addressing child trafficking and other forms of modern-day slavery. INGH collaborated with Free the Slaves to implement the project. The first phase of the project came to term in September 2019

Safe and Protective Environment for Adolescent Development (SPREAD) Project

Safe and Protective Environment for Adolescent Development (SPREAD) Project is a 16-month intervention being implemented by International Needs Ghana (INGH) in partnership with UNICEF in fifty-five (55) communities within eleven (11) districts across three (3) regions in Ghana.


The goal of the Education Program is to contribute to the holistic development of deprived children and the transformation of their communities. The program has five outcome areas namely; Education Outcome, Health and Physical development outcome, Spiritual development Outcome, Life Skills and Social development outcome, Infrastructure development outcome

Promoting Adolescent Safe Spaces (PASS)

International Needs Ghana, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is implementing an intervention titled “Promoting Adolescent Safe Spaces” Project (PASS) under the Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage.

Ghana TVET Voucher Project

The project is an initiative of the Government of Ghana aimed at increasing access of master craft persons, workers, and their apprentices to training vouchers for further training leading to skills development and productivity improvement. It aims at Improving access of apprentices, master craft persons and workers from informal and formally registered micro and small enterprises to technical and vocational education, Institutionally strengthening TVET stakeholders such as training institutes like the Centre for Empowerment and Enterprise Development (CEED), trade associations and COTVET among other things.


The Health Unit of International Needs Ghana facilitates improved health of INGH programme communities and other deprived communities. This is done through a number of school-based and community preventive and curative health interventions such as medical outreaches and provision of potable water

School Health Programme

The programme generally seeks to inculcate in the school children positive health habits that will contribute to improved health and educational outcomes

The Schistosomiasis Control Project

The Schistosomiasis Control Project seeks to contribute to a reduction in the schistosomiasis disease burden in Lasivenu, Dekpoe, Bla and Dikakope communities, through community engagements on the disease and the mass administration of praziquantel and albendazole medications

One Bible One Child

The project seeks to reach out to children in our schools with the Word of God. Children in upper primary are given personal bibles, to help them in their spiritual growth.